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Let the Games Begin

Posted by Joseph on July 27, 2024

Hello again, it’s me, Joseph and I’m on the move! Well, actually, I am watching other people move as the Olympics are in full swing in Paris, France. Whether you’re an athlete or not, there’s a sense of awe for what humans can accomplish when they train and perfect their craft. And, honestly, the Olympics encompass more than just competitive events.

Threads: Celine Dion

Were we not all rooting for Celine Dion to hit every note when she sang a french love song during the opening ceremonies? #nailedit I wondered why Kelly Clarkson was a commentator (as you know I secretly want to be a talk show host– shout out to Kelly and Mark, I’m still available to sub) and then I realized she was there to give us insights into the performances and entertainment which is also part of the experience. (Yes, you go Mick Jagger and strut your 81 year old stuff in the fashion show!)

There’s also something to be said, or maybe just reflected upon when it comes to the Olympics. At least for 16 days in a row, the whole world (well most of it, Russia was banned from competing yet again #fourtimesnow) comes together peacefully and agrees to follow the rules and if they don’t, they get sent home. No medal for you. Oh dear reader, what a beautiful world it would be if we just agree to play nice and send the mean, cheating people home or to another planet.

I am also looking forward to some of the new events. Breakdancing/breaking is making it’s debut:

The history of breaking, or breakdancing, begins in New York City in the 1970s, according to the official Olympics website. The dance style grew out of hip-hop culture and features “athletic moves including spins, flips and other complex techniques.” 

While I have complete respect for breaking as a sport, it just seems a little scary and too easy to tip over and hurt something important, like your neck. Kudos to the athletes that have mastered the movement and musicality required to pull it off!

Other changes also include:

Karate will not return for the 2024 Olympic Games, but skateboarding, surfing and sport climbing will be featured. Skateboarding and sport climbing events will be held in Paris, while the surfing events will be held in Tahiti, French Polynesia. 

(Get all the details and new sports that are coming in 2028 in this CBS article.

To be honest, I won’t watch all of the Olympics. I’ll pick and choose what floats my boat. Here’s an excellent schedule of what’s happening when so you can catch some of the action too. I will, however, continue to root for every athlete or every human for that matter, that has a dream and the guts to follow it.

Faster. Higher. Stronger. Together. The Olympic Motto is true for sports and unity and true for each one of us as we strive to live our very best life, however we define it.



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