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Be a Betty

Posted by Joseph on January 8, 2022

Hello again, it’s me, Joseph and I’m on the move, feeling grateful and heart broken all at the same time. As many of you know, our dear Golden Girl, Betty White, passed away on December 31st, just weeks shy of her 100th birthday. To have her so long was an absolute gift; we just wanted to celebrate with her one more time.

Betty made all of us smile in so many different ways throughout her 70+ years in entertainment. (yes, she holds a Guinness World Record for longevity as a female entertainer) Whether you loved to hate her on the Mary Tyler Moore Show or you wanted to hug her and just squeeze some sense into her character Rose on the Golden Girls, she kept us on our toes.

She also made us think about what matters. She always had a touch of sassy, classy, grace in her words that reminded us to be grateful, to get along with others, to make the most of every circumstance and honestly to just have fun. (Will Ryan Reynolds ever truly be over her?)

Betty broke barriers of race, ageism, sexism and so much more. Her quick wit will be remembered. Here are a few of her most famous quotes:

“Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”

About getting older: “It’s not a surprise, we knew it was coming—make the most of it. So you may not be as fast on your feet, and the image in your mirror may be a little disappointing, but if you are still functioning and not in pain, gratitude should be the name of the game.”
—From her book, If You Ask Me (And Of Course You Won’t)

“My answer to anything under the sun, like ‘What have you not done in the business that you’ve always wanted to do?’ is ‘Robert Redford’.”
— The Insider

A true role model in the business, many know that Betty was a tireless advocate for animals. Earlier in her career, she joined the American Women’s Voluntary Services during World War II and drove a truck delivering supplies. She never took her blessings for granted.

And so, as what would have been Betty’s 100th Birthday approaches on January 17, 2022, there is a sense of sadness and at the same time a sense of overwhelming gratitude for having shared a space and time with someone, who in many ways, truly became a friend to us. How fortunate are we to have travelled down that road and back again.

In honor of her 1OOth Birthday, we ask you to join us in the social media movement to donate $5.00 or more to a local animal shelter. We are thankful for friends who volunteer at Brindle Posse Rescue. They have already shown in so many ways, what it means to be a Betty.

And so, dear reader, as we step into 2022, may we do so with a grateful heart, a positive outlook and a sense of adventure.

Cheers to the New Year! Raise a glass and do your best to be a Betty!

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