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Posted by Joseph on July 31, 2021

Hello again, it’s me Joseph and I’m on the move mentally, watching the Olympics and considering all that it takes to even get your big toe into the competition, let alone step your foot onto the medal podium. I have such respect for those who do so much more than try; they train, daily, for hours to reach the pinnacle of their sport. Let’s be honest. If I do a half turn and stick the landing when I roll out of bed, I’m happy. Kudos to all those who have a dream and tenaciously go after it, as the whole world watches.

In a competition so fierce, we award a Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal. And while that’s the point, perhaps we should take a moment to think about what winning is. If there were a Gold Medal for Mental Health in this Olympics, it would go to Simone Biles. (get all the details here from Simone) Let them say what they will. (Did you see those nasty comments after the video?) Some have even called her a quitter and a bad role model for young kids. All I see is a selfless champion who withdrew from the team competition rather than let her team down. She realized while she was at her peak physically, she was not mentally, to the extent that even as she flung her body into the air, she had no idea how many turns she was doing or where the floor was. That’s. Just. Dangerous. She withdrew from the individual competition as well, so that another would have a chance in her place. Even in the midst of her pain, Simone cheered the loudest, she ran the chalk, she celebrated the victory that wasn’t hers. (Congratulations to fellow teammate Suni Lee for grabbing that Gold Medal for TEAM USA.) If what Simone did is not winning, I don’t know what is.

I’m not sure, as a society, that we always put our focus in the right place and make mental health a priority. I do know that in some small way we think about mental health every time a Pineapple Roc Rental is launched. That’s the absolute truth. We create inviting spaces for you to relax and to recharge. We offer concierge services and 24 hr maintenance assistance so you can experience a worry free vacation. We care about the thread count of the sheets, not because we’re snobby, but because we want to make every effort to keep you comfortable during your stay. Every extra touch is our way of letting you know how valued you are.

We can’t offer you counseling services. We’re not mental health professionals. We can’t change your circumstances. We can offer you the opportunity to explore, to take a break and to consider what your next best steps are. When all of us care about mental health and do our part to stop the stigma, everyone wins.

Thank you, Simone for leading the way to Mental Health Gold for all of us.

Love and peace,


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